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Bowling Green, twenty miles north of Franklin, was first visited by Europeans around 1775.  Twenty miles to the west, Russellville was visited in 1780.  Exactly when present day Franklin was settled is unknown but likely was later.

On January 28, 1818 the Kentucky General Assembly authorized the creation of Simpson County and provided for the acquisition of  approximately two acres of land for the purpose of a town square and necessary government buildings.  Land was purchased from William Hudspeth and the Courthouse Square was created at the intersection of what is now Highway 31W and Highway 100.

Remembering Franklin KY

The road on the east side of the square is known locally as Main Street and has long been the center of town.  It likely started as a buffalo trail, then was a trail for native Americans.  At least by 1830 is was part of the Louisville to Nashville Turnpike and later became part of the Dixie Highway.  In the early 1920's with the creation of the U.S. Highway System it became a part of U.S. Highway 31-W, a major route from northern Michigan to the Gulf Coast in Alabama.  This road was largely responsible for the town's growth for the past two hundred plus years.


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